Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blessed John Paul II

Dear Lord Jesus and Mary Most Holy
bring your servant Pope John Paul II cause for canonization to a fruitful beginning.
He was a man that taught us how to forgive even when someone tried to harm him.
Help us learn forgiveness.
He was a man that taught peace between nations.
He wanted peace for the world.
Help us to foster peace in our own lives.
He was a man of love and compassion and he showed it many times in his travels throughout the world.
Lord help me to show love and compassion to my fellow man and
to pray for the world that they may learn about You and Mary.
He showed us how to be strong when we lose someone we love.
Lord Help me to be able to be strong when I lose someone
I love through sickness or sudden death.
He showed us how to accept our suffering by carrying his cross of suffering throughout the years.
NEVER complaining even to the end.
Even though it was frustrating especially the last month of his life.
Lord help me to accept my suffering through daily trials that you choose to send me, whether, it is through a loss of job, a loss of a love one or through the pain of sickenss.
Lord he had a special love for the Holy Eucharist and for Your Mother.
Help me to develop that love for the Eucharist and your mother,
Lord Jesus Thank You for sending us such a great man to show us how to handle the trials of our life.Please through Your mercy and goodness make John Paul a saint.
A saint that we can relate to in our daily lives.Thank You Mary and Joseph for Pope John Paul II.

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